Finally settled down in my new house. A new asset under my name. But also means a new loan under my name also. Ha,... got to work my a** off to clear my debts..... interesting.....
gonna be a long post.
cos there will be tonnes of photos.... from the photoshoot (yes... i managed to keep them off the blog for a couple of months. on purpose :P) to the moving of house (er.... not new news cos you might have caught it from my hubby's (yes... can call hubby now... hahah) and to the actual wedding day.
Kudos to those who made my wedding day a memorable one. and i'm really proud to announce that i did not 'over-run' despite the very hectic program schedule. which couple would wana be like us? gatecrashing, fetching the bride, going to new house, outdoor photo-taking, makeup changes, tea ceremony, solemnization and wedding lunch all on one day. and it's within one afternoon. *applause* very very happy everything was in order - though not 100%. special thanks to my families, sister, brian's brother, jianrong, royston, rena, yanping, michelle, agnes.....
photo time....
one of my fav photos.... each time i see this, i'll smile or laugh... hahahaha

classic shot..... (is my gown nice?????)

my new home!!!!! got most of the furnture within 2 days... however, still cant find our dining table..... either not too our liking or too expensive to out liking... (any sponsors????)
our big cozy sofa....

our odd-size bed... with 2 'meh meh'..... if you're gonna ask me why number 1 and 99... make a guess first la.....

the next place we'll spend lotsa time at.... the study room... layout compliments of mr and mrs brian aw. wahaha....

ohh.... the cute delivery van for our mattress....

September 16, 2007. A day to remember....
Couldn't sleep for the past few nights before this day. Was it becos' my dear nephew was bunking in with me?
Anyway, woke up at 2.30am before the MUA came at 4am. Yes, u saw it right. it's 4 am in the morning..... :P
yea... what women can do.... the power of love...

mastermind at work..... dont ask me what were the games, cos i only knew bits and pieces here and there. got to wait for the video and watch it before i know....

the sun is not even out....

miscellaneous stuff....
the corsages i got for my jiemeis...

the breakfast for the early birds.... yummy cupcakes.... *still drooling*

cant wait to know what happened...

sis and nephew (he really very cool lor... no smile one....)

see all laugh until some see teeth, no see eyes.....

in my house!!!!!

thanks guys and gals for the help....

luncheon and solemnization was held at Peonj-Jade Restaurant in Clarke Quay. 2 thumbs up for the food (well, that's the comments i got....)

our wedding rings....

i drink tea leh..... :P

i like this....

before march in....


fast forwarded..... champagne pouring and toasting... romantic huh....

aiyo.... my bro in law give me alot of face leh... wear tie somemore.....

the end of the luncheon....

the end of the luncheon marks the beginning of another start....
the start as a 'mrs'. like what iris says..... next time we go out, cannot 'bio' other guys liao... wahahhahahaha
that's all for now.... till then, duno when... (busy busy these days....)
good nite folks......