If I continue to 'neglect' this blog, people are going to 'neglect' visiting here as well. So, here I am.... :P
Alright, what's been happening? Hmm.....
Hey, no one's interested in that Furla bag? *Sob Sob*
Thought I can sell off this bag to get myself the new series of the LV wallet! The one with the little porter. Sooooo cute......
But anyway,
no lah.... not buying anything these months. On a super tight budget!!
Busy days these days.... With my own life, with my love life, and yeah... sickening but true, with work as well...
Mahjong days are back! Haha... Almost every week, I'll be camping and 'pian-ing' food from Charis..
Haha... I'm a cheapo, cheapo.... But hor... I've not been really winning alot... soooo.... haiz. net everything off, i'm back to the square one. Thought I could bluff some food (*save dinner money*), win some money at the table and voila, I'm richer by that little bit. But guess... God is fair. You win some, you lose some.
Kinda pissed with work lately.... haiz....
Apparently, heard that someone resigned.
Again.I do not think I am at fault. Let's see...
On Thursday, I got a stack of documents at around 4pm. Gave to a VT (vacation training.. poor chaps from those polytechnics earning meagre wages for that few months... *
those were the days....*) for keying into a Excel spreadsheet. He finished on Friday. And on Friday, came in another big stack which he could not finish. Even if he could have finished, I would not have finished checking.
And my "dearest" senior manager "scolded" me over the phone yesterday morning, saying why I did not tell her that she was not able to check yesterday (oh, by the way, she was on medical leave on Friday). And she went on to say, "I am very disappointed with you. Why didn't you inform me earlier that the documents didn't come in complete on Thursday? I thought I gave very clear instructions for you guys to finish by Thursday?"
"That client of ours did email on Thursday evening to say that documents will reach us on Friday evening" I replied. She went silent for a while. I guess, she did not check or see that part of that email. In my heart, I was thinking, "Must I inform you of all the emails that came in, and made sure you knew every single item so that you will not accuse me of not informing you?"
Then, came those "PMS" words... You people ah.... why can't you all take more initiative? I can't be doing everything for you all what.... If like that, I'll drop dead. I don't know la. I'll tell *director's name* that it will be late.
Spoiled my morning. Am I overreacting? You should hear her tone.
The point is that, does complaining to the management looks good on herself? Afterall, she is our 'boss'. Does that mean that she will put us to drown if anything happens?
If she had checked her mails, she would have known that things will come in late. And how could she simply accuse people of not doing their work (in this case, me!!!) when she doesn't even know what happened during the day she was not around? And did she ask if I follow up??? NO! She simply assumed that I sat on that item, without asking when I told her I did.
(Suddenly, i have this thinking... I think she can't be in the army. If she is given a rifle, everybody will die. Cos' she don't bother checking out who is the good people or bad people. She simply shoot.)
Talking about tone, I remembered a situation whereby she called a certain government agency's hotline and was pretty harsh with her words and seriously, none of us thought her tone sounded good. And guess what, she told the officer on the other end, "I don't think you are serious in helping me. If you are not happy serving me, please pass me to another person. Do you know that your tone sounded very bad". All these, in a very agitated manner and in a so-not-professional manner. The officer directly told her, "Then, do you think, your tone is very nice?". Bingo!! She 'bo-bian' got to soften. Later, she came to tell us that she had no choice but to soften down cos' she is asking for a favour. Oh come on...
Makes me kind of dread going to work sometimes these days... The job is fine, there are plenty to learn there, the colleagues (ermm... same level one hor...) are nice but... but.... if you have such a 'boss'? I do not know.
Seriously, I find no point being a 'workaholic' in such places. No reason for me to go all the way, no reason for me to work that hard.
Dreading to think of tomorrow. I think it will be a bad day.
Looking forward to weekends... and sad to say, Christmas is still 2 months away. That means, no holidays next month. Haiz.
My mood's the same as the hazy weather.... as hazy as the weather in Indonesia.